[Talk-us] Super Wal-Mart Tag

Randy rwtnospam-newsgp at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 15 20:03:13 GMT 2009

Matthias Julius wrote:

>Yes, I would create a relation for each thing in the building having the
>building itself (area, node or relation) as the only member.
>That way the different shops (or banks, law offices, dentists, ...) in
>the building can be independant objects and reference the building.

As far as a mall or strip shopping center, or other building that is not 
corporately related to the users is concerned (which fits your example, 
but not Theo's), there's no question in my mind that the shops/amenities 
should be labeled with separate nodes, and related to the building.

However, the majority of the amenities/shops in a Super Walmart are not 
"independent objects" but very much a part of Walmart. I don't think I 
would create a building way, named Walmart, and a separate node named 
Walmart for each department or department cluster (department store, 
supermarket, automotive repair, etc.), but would add those tags to the 
building way itself, and only add nodes for the shops that are 
identifiably different from Walmart but have contracted to share the 
Walmart building space. They truly have separate corporate identities, 
with a relation to the building, rather than being an integral part of the 
corporation owning/leasing the whole building. I'm not sure that either 
way is more correct, either method can be parsed. Certainly different 
people would have different preferences, just as people have different 
preferences as far as using semi-colons vs. key suffixes to indicate 
multiple entities within a parent entity.

I reserve the right to change my mind on the latter issue, but my current 
preference is to use semicolons, unless a particular shop/amenity needs 
further qualification. Then, I'd break it out as shop_1=shop_type, 
shop_1:quality=quality_value. Again, either of these should be (and I 
think already is) parseable.

Of course, if I were actually mapping the building interior, or whether 
the automotive repair shop was on the left or right end of the building, 
then that is a different story, and, again, I believe, out of context to 
the original question.


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