[Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions (was Admin boundaries tied to roads)

Alan Mintz Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.Net
Thu Apr 22 11:10:26 BST 2010

At 2010-04-21 19:24, Alan Mintz wrote:
>I just had a machine crash as I was trying to find stats, but I'll bet that
>at least 90% of the cases are "St"...

For further reference, in this area of LA: minlat="33.75" minlon="-119.00" 
maxlat="34.00" maxlon="-114.50", on 2010-02-11, I count:

35988 unique name values on highway=* (except service), of which there were 
the following suffixes:
6076 Dr
5747 St
5161 Ave
3090 Ln
2825 Ct
2630 Rd
2478 Cir
2186 Way
2121 Pl
256 Blvd
175 Trl
32745 Total well understood abbrevs (91%)

Additionally, Spanish prefixes, which my tag proposal did not address 
(road_type_prefix, and road_type becomes road_type_suffix?):
690 Via
234 Calle
169 Avenida
104 Camino
68 [NEWS] Via
40 [NEWS] Calle
36 [NEWS] Avenida
22 [NEWS] Camino

Some of these also had suffixes above. It seems that the prefix would be 
part of the root name in these cases, instead of a prefix.

Alan Mintz <Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.net>

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