[Talk-us] What would you want done with TIGER 2010?

Alan Mintz Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.Net
Wed Aug 25 02:36:04 BST 2010

At 2010-08-24 10:59, Mike N. wrote:
>  This was a hot topic at US SOTM.   It is my understanding that it will 
> take a change to the law for the Census Bureau to reclassify the detailed 
> addresses as not subject to the privacy laws.

There are also conflicts with state law. CA, for example, has a prohibition 
against publishing the address of an elected official, which influences 
what local county/city GIS systems allow in display and search of addresses 
because of the availability of name/APN relations that could then be linked 
back to addresses.

Alan Mintz <Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.net>

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