[Talk-us] US-Mexico border precision

Alan Mintz Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.Net
Thu Dec 16 14:59:27 GMT 2010

At 2010-12-14 17:52, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
>... One likely error is at
>http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=25.93454,-97.56975&z=15&t=T where TIGER
>follows the existing import rather than the Rio Grande (Google seems
>to have used the same import and has the same probable error), so I'll
>add a FIXME tag to that section.

Do recall that bad Google border data (as supplied by the US State 
Department, IIRC), was responsible for brief hostilities in Central America 

If someone has edited our international (or state, for that matter) 
borders, I'd want to ask them about their source. Country and state borders 
are pretty carefully defined by law and treaties, and it's unlikely that an 
individual user is more correct than a current government-sourced dataset.

I tried to look at the UN SALB data, but they have some kind of 
authentication problem at the moment. Also, licensing of the underlying 
GAUL data does not seem currently compatible. I'd expect that the TIGER 
data should be authoritative for our own border at least :)

Alan Mintz <Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.net>

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