[Talk-us] MassGIS source/attribution tags

Lars Ahlzen lars at ahlzen.com
Sun Jun 13 01:58:20 BST 2010

This has been bugging me for a while...

Linear features imported from MassGIS data have the appropriate source=
and attribution= tags. That makes sense. However, each individual node
has these identical tags as well, including nodes that have no other tags.

For such nodes with no other tags, this seems redundant. It's a bit
similar to TLIDs on nodes from the TIGER import (which were removed), i.e:

Not only does this take extra space, but it complicates editing. JOSM
(and probably other editors) highlights nodes that have attributes,
nodes don't get deleted with the parent way, etc.

Is there a good reason to keep such tags around, other than "it takes
effort to change it"?

Lars Ahlzen
lars at ahlzen.com

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