[Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

Paul Johnson baloo at ursamundi.org
Mon Mar 8 23:18:59 GMT 2010

On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 13:58:38 -0500, Chris Hunter wrote:

> Last night, user NE2 "cleaned up" the interstate system by merging all
> of the states with 2 relations per interstate back into 1 relation with
> direction-based roles.  I've already requested a roll-back on the area I
> was working on, but I wanted to check if we still have a consensus on
> splitting each interstate into separate directions at the state line.

NE2 has been making a number of questionable edits in the northwest 
Oregon area recently; I wonder if it's possible to smack 'em upside the 
head with a clue-by-four somehow...

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