[Talk-us] default to potlatch 1?

jeremy jozwik jerjoz.forums at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 16:07:30 BST 2011

hey community, im in the process of adding my gpx file to the map.
everytime i go to edit them however, editing defaults to the potlatch 2 editor.

is it possible to default back to potlatch 1 when editing a gpx file?

might ask why would you want to do that, well this morning i was
adding addr:??? to the map.
everytime i completed a address collection i would click a new point
and reload the previous point information.
then add the new addr:housenumber tag and update the addr:full.
however potlatch 2 would always retain the reloaded points
information. took me a while to realize what was happening and by then
i had an entire street of addr:housenumber: 112. which...  was

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