[Talk-us] County road network relations

Nathan Mills nathan at nwacg.net
Mon Apr 11 19:08:07 BST 2011

 On Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:47:02 -0400, Phil! Gold wrote:

> In my opinion, there's too much variation in how each state organizes 
> and
> numbers its state-and-lower roads to make a uniform, US-wide rule.  I
> would say that state highways should be network=US:ST (where "ST" is 
> the
> two-letter state abbreviation), and anything further (county roads,
> Pennsylvania's primary and secondary state roads, California's
> multi-county roads, etc.) would be US:ST:<whatever>, where the
> "<whatever>" is up to the mappers in that state (and, hopefully,
> documented on that state's page on the wiki).

 Without some sort of general agreement between areas (as much as is 
 possible, anyway) it will be very difficult for renderers to do useful 
 things with county road relations. It would be nice if it could be 
 boiled down to a few different "classes" of tag for various states. 
 California and any states with similar schemes might use US:ST:[A-Z]. 
 States with single-county road networks would all use US:ST:County. That 
 way we can at least say that all states that number county roads in the 
 same way should be tagged in the same way.

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