[Talk-us] [Imports] US Golf Courses from GNIS

Toby Murray toby.murray at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 21:22:41 GMT 2011

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Richard Weait <richard at weait.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope that golfgeek realizes that we are criticizing the method and
> result of the import.  We're welcoming of enthusiastic newcomers to
> OpenStreetMap.  So, "Welcome!"
> Now, let's clean this up a bit.

Indeed. As negative as I sounded in my first message, I am not
entirely anti-import. But I do maintain a very high bar for what I
consider a "good" import. Typically this means spending many hours on
it with heavy manual inspection.

I would be happy to take, for example, a Kansas extract of this data
and import it myself. My mapping OCD may even require that I trace
outlines instead of simply importing points. Crap. I was at the
pharmacy earlier today. Should have asked if they make a cream for


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