[Talk-us] US highway tagging (was Re: highway shields: "get your kicks, where?")

Alan Mintz Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.Net
Mon Jan 3 15:52:11 GMT 2011

At 2011-01-02 19:46, Paul Johnson wrote:
>On 01/01/2011 11:55 AM, Richard Weait wrote:
> > I've been adding more highway shields to the shield renderer.  Most
> > recently I've added a shield for Historic Route 66.
> >
> > 
> http://weait.com:8080/map/shield.html?lat=40.36679&lon=-89.10653&zoom=16&layers=BTF

Cool. Shouldn't the relation be tagged:


according to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_States_roads_tagging ?

Also, is it now "correct" to not tag (network, ref) the individual ways 
that are part of a route relation? What about name? Is it "correct" to 
remove those existing tags from the ways (and ensure they are on the 
relation)? I'm not talking about a large-scale bot update, but "as long as 
I'm editing them for some other reason anyway".

>Eh, OK-66 and Old US-66 and USBR-66 are all in my neighborhood.

What is USBR-66?

Alan Mintz <Alan_Mintz+OSM at Earthlink.net>

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