[Talk-us] Interstate Crossovers

Anthony osm at inbox.org
Sat Oct 8 23:50:57 BST 2011

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Nathan Mills <nathan at nwacg.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 08:44:04 -0400, Anthony wrote:
>> By that rationale, all government owned land is access=private.
> No. In a park, for example, you have a right of access by default.

I'm not sure what you mean that it is "by default".  You're only
allowed in the park between dawn and dusk, which is less than 50% of
the day.

In any case, I was thinking about highways here.

> I agree that access=private doesn't make intuitive sense for government
> owned
> land. We do all own it, after all. Having said that, it's pretty silly to
> use
> a different tag just because the land is government owned/controlled when
> the
> message is otherwise the same.

The message isn't the same, though.  A private road is not the same as
a public road with restricted access.

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