[Talk-us] MapQuest Open Maps now has proper state shields

Michal Migurski mike at teczno.com
Mon Dec 10 04:14:23 GMT 2012

On Dec 9, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:

>> I was just looking at their tiles tonight and they've updated them to include state shields!!  Saw shields for PA, SC, MD, VA, WV, CA, and NY for starters.  Maybe now we should all agree to use the proper state abbreviation for the "ref" tags on the ways instead of not having them at all (Florida), or just "SR".
> Cool!
> If anyone's curious, here's a shapefile with linework for all current (as of a few weeks ago) US route relations, generalized to appear at zoom 15.  Coverage is great for US:I, US:US and US State routes, starts getting patchy down at the county level:
> 	http://benzene.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/US-Routes-2012-12-09.png

…aaand the actual data:


michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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