[Talk-us] routing tags used by actual routing applications

Jason Remillard remillard.jason at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 21:15:16 UTC 2014

Hi Martin,

Some of the highway tag values are not clear. For example, scout does
not route over highway=tracks, unless you are in pedestrian mode. It
seems like a reasonable decision, perhaps all of the routers do this,
but the wiki documentation says nothing of the sort, and it surprised
me. If I see some weird route, related to missing highway=track tag,
should I change the osm data, file a bug into scout, edit the
highway=track wiki? I have no idea.

A start would be to have the 3 or 4 popular routers document what they
are doing with the tags, since the code is proprietary, and then it
will be easier to sort out who to blame when a bad route is generated.


> OK for individual applications to document what they are (currently) using, but this is probably dynamic over time. From a mapping perspective you should describe the road network as best as you can to meet actual reality and not tag for a single application. Rather file a bug for scout or others to fix their rules if some correctly tagged road is not (yet) taken into account...
> cheers,
> Martin

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