[Talk-us] Rendering of tracks

Minh Nguyen minh at nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us
Wed Aug 26 03:47:44 UTC 2015

On 2015-08-25 19:07, Mark Bradley wrote:
> I noticed that tracks (leisure -> track) are still being rendered as
> polygons instead of linear features, despite this having been reported
> as a bug on Github.

Hi Mark, I'm not sure if the openstreetmap-carto developers read this 
mailing list. I believe you're referring to this GitHub issue:


When it comes to software like the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet, an 
issue gains more traction when someone steps forward with proposed 
source changes in a pull request. For this particular issue, it sounds 
like the developers are waiting for community consensus about how 
leisure=track should be mapped. Here's some recent discussion:


It may also be helpful to start a thread on the tagging@ list, if there 
isn't already one.

minh at nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us

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