[Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

Brad Neuhauser brad.neuhauser at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 15:46:08 UTC 2015

> > I punted.  When Josm added a preset that included addr:flats, then I
> > started using that tag.  Right or wrong I figured most of the other
> > tags are Euro-English coloured, so to speak, that it did not mater if
> > I used addr:flats verses addr:unit.
> __________________________________________
> addr:flats works if you are talking about flats, but doesn't fit other
> scenarios, such as suites in an office building.
> addr:flats is for a range of unit numbers. That's how it's described in
the wiki, and you can see that is indeed the main usage if you look at
taginfo: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=addr%3Aflats
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