[Talk-us] Railway crossing challenge for MapRoulette

stevea steveaOSM at softworkers.com
Tue Jul 7 15:35:03 UTC 2015

Martijn, thank you for this terrific contribution to improve OSM's 
rail infrastructure in the USA!

BTW, while level_crossings display in its default/mapnik backdrop 
layer only when closely zoomed in, OSM rail data in OpenRailwayMap 
continue to grow nicely, especially with usage= tags (and to a lesser 
degree -- still, it makes me happy to see our progress -- better 
name= tags).  A short six or eight months ago, we barely had a little 
nucleus of orange around Kansas City, and that was it.  Now look at 


shows how these efforts have spread across the entire North American 
continent.  Our rail is filling out nicely, even as there remains 
plenty to do.

California (/Railroads wiki contributor)

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