[Talk-us] The Republic of Molossia (and other micro-nations)

Andy Townsend ajt1047 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 08:31:52 UTC 2017

On 03/09/2017 23:51, Bradley White wrote:
> Within the past few months, this "nation" has popped into OSM,
> complete with sloppily implemented "admin_level=2" and
> "boundary=national" tags, view-able here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/39.32281/-119.53908. My
> discussion point is whether this is a valid use of these tags. A
> handful of quick searches about this topic didn't turn up anything for
> me, so I'm assuming no precedent has been set yet. It is worth noting
> that this is not the only micro-nation in the US.

As a "nation", I'd expect that it'd fail a verifiability test as per 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Verifiability .  It might qualify as 
a series of "tourist attractions" (which it seems that it is mostly 
mapped as now, though there is also 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7341155 ), but even that's doubtful.

I'd suggest commenting on changesets of the users concerned (the two 
most obvious ones are relatively recent mappers), saying "hello and 
welcome" and explaining what OSM is and what OSM is not.  Maybe suggest 
http://opengeofiction.net/ as a place to map completely imaginary 
places, if it looks like that's what they are interested in doing?

Best Regards,


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