[Talk-us] TIGER-completeness visualizer?

stevea steveaOSM at softworkers.com
Tue Dec 24 20:06:01 UTC 2019

From: "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn at rushpost.com>
> I agree that we needed and still need a way to clean up all the
> remaining untouched TIGER data. However, without the TIGER import, the
> same 11-12 years would have been spent surveying and naming the roads
> one by one and tracing them from (sometimes outdated) satellite/aerial
> photos and we would probably still be way behind where we are with the
> TIGER import. If it had been on me to trace my neighborhood from a blank
> slate when I first started mapping, I might well have given up on OSM at
> that point.

Please don't misunderstand me that I wish the TIGER import never happened:  I am very glad for these data being in the project.  TIGER has, as you say, provided us with over a decade of "something" and all the effort many of us have endeavored to "make it better, into the superior structure of roads and rail we have now."  I was merely positing that as a MAJOR import, TIGER as a whole can teach us much.  Perhaps that requiring dedicated tools for post-import cleanup could be a requirement all of us might agree upon should we do something like this again.

As long as I'm on the topic, does anybody recall how ITOworld's four colors in their map (dark blue, light blue, orange red) of TIGER roads were defined?  (Yes, there were also grey/black for "not TIGER").  I think dark blue was "no tiger_reviewed=no tag" (at all), light blue and orange I can't quite remember, but they had that tag, but one or both were something like "touched / modified in the last three years" (and something else for the other one), red was "still has the tag, hasn't been touched in five(?) years or longer."  The middle two were well-chosen, but I can't remember their exact rules.

If we haven't the good tools (in the same form), I'm hoping at least we can rebuild them from pieces!


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