[Talk-us] Fixing road network in New York — MapRoulette challenge

Jmapb jmapb at gmx.com
Mon Feb 11 13:01:50 UTC 2019

On 2/9/2019 9:30 AM, Ilya Zverev wrote:
> Yesterday I took ~1 mln rides we made in December and matched them to 
> the OSM road network. With that I found a few hundred points where an 
> actual trace diverged from the matched one quite often. This usually 
> means a oneway tag is wrong, or a turn restriction is incomplete.
> The result is this MapRoulette challenge: 
> https://maproulette.org/mr3/challenge/3570
> Have fun,
> Ilya
Thanks, Ilya -- this *is* fun! You've caught a lot of bad tagging that's 
been sitting for years. Looks like we're about a third of the way 
through these already. Teamwork!

If you have the resources, I'd love to see this challenge repeated every 
few months so we can continue hunting these bad tags to extinction, and 
also keep up with new changes. A couple of suggestions, and I don't know 
how realistic these are since this is my first time using Maproulette:

  - From each task, before entering the edit mode, it would be great to 
have a direct link to https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions with the 
start and end locations encoded, so we can immediately check if the task 
in question is still an issue. A fair number of them have already been 
fixed, and/or I can't replicate. As of now my workflow is: Zoom in, turn 
on data layer, click a building, click the 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way link in the popup, pan around the map 
to find approximate start and end points, and get directions via OSRM. 
It would be great to save some steps and to get the exact same start end 
end points you used.

  - When invoking iD, the changeset comment field is auto-populated with 
#maproulette -- is it possible to also auto-populate with the challenge 
and task number?

Thanks for your work, Jason

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