[Openstreetmap] Which CC Licence for Data-Sets?

Frank Mohr f_mohr at yahoo.de
Thu Mar 3 11:13:11 GMT 2005

As I need management approval to join any IT related project 
in my own time and need to include the licence used in the request 
for approval, im pushing this question a bit.
(meanwhile I'm still collecting and processing GPS tracks)

How about collecting which use we want to allow or deny and find
a (more or less) matching licence.

My opinion as a start:

- I want the data to be used in vector form (in any documented and
  free to use format) for
  - OpenSource navigation and mapping systems
  - as demo data for GIS applications
  - ...
  as long as the data itself and additions to the 
  base data stay free
  -> the users of these applications might be a good
     source for new data

- Additional data layers may be produced/added under 
  different licences

- The data may be used for printed or bitmap maps
  as long as its clearly stated that the data comes from 
  openstreetmap (example maps on web pages, flyers)
  -> helps as a way to promote the idea and get new users
     and contibutors

- I don't want the data to be included in commercial
  closed format maps.


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