[OSM-talk] OsmNote - system for keeping and sharing notes on your OSM survey

Ben Robbins ben_robbins_ at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 2 23:57:28 GMT 2006

>>Ideas for further development welcome. One possibility is to be able to 
>>the notes through JOSM, as then you could do it at the same time as you 
>>creating new ways.

>Would it make sense to store these as nodes in the OSM database, and
>subscribe to nodes for your map that are tagged with 'user_note' or
>something? Then they'd be available to people using JOSM and other
>editors, and would be available in different interfaces like OsmNote
>too. Though to be able to do that it'd need to be possible to
>subscribe to items in the main OSM database that were tagged with a
>certain key (+value).

The logical way, based on wikipedias way, I think, would be to display notes 
(visual, or just text in a tag), on an additional map layer.  So you would 
have raw gpx layer, the Ways and segments in the data layer, and then the 
talk layer.  Just as wikipedia has 'the facts' that go into the 'Main page', 
wich goes hand in hand with the 'discussion page'.

I have pages and pages of notes, wich could only be really seen by others if 
they were scanned, added to a achive of images, and then notes link with 
nodes/areas added to the 'talk layer'.


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