[OSM-talk] osmeditor2 -- now available for Windows, qt4 version

Nick Whitelegg nick at hogweed.org
Thu Jul 13 13:33:06 BST 2006

Would like to announce the first version of osmeditor2 to use Qt 4 rather than 
Qt 3. In case you're unaware, Qt is the development library used to build 
osmeditor2, and version 4 is the first to provide an Open Source edition for 
Windows. This means that (with the caveats below) osmeditor2 is, and all 
updates will from now on be, available for Windows.

As I said there are a few bugs/quirks/caveats:

- the qt4 version looks a bit funky with the map being drawn on the toolbar as 
well as the main window area. I think I know the cause of this and will be 
amongst the first things I will sort out with the new version.

- I've done a brief test of osmeditor2 on Windows. The most crucial aspect - 
editing OSM via the API - seems to be ok. However (and I had this problem 
when I created a Windows version of the old osmeditor) Landsat doesn't seem 
to work. Also, it won't talk to the GPS (and yes, I have changed /dev/ttyS0 
to COM1 :-) ) In contrast to Landsat, this error is inconsistent with the 
Windows version of the old osmeditor, which uses the same library 
(jeeps-gpsbabel-1.2.7) and will talk to the GPS.

A ZIP file containing an EXE and all required DLLs for Windows is available at


and source is available (as well as in SVN) at


In addition to Windows support, the build process is improved as I now use 
qmake. To build osmeditor2 (qt4 version) on Linux, all you now need to do is:

qmake osmeditor2.pro

This should auto-configure for your distro/version. Note that you need the qt4 
dev package installed and make sure you run the qt4 version of qmake, not the 
qt3 version.

From now on all new development work will be with the qt4 version. Changes to 
the qt3 version will be restricted to bugfixes.


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