[OSM-talk] GPSylon new tool to make GPS tracks - Cross platform linux/windows

Tiago Bruno Espírito Santo Silva tiago.silva at zmail.pt
Wed Oct 25 00:51:04 BST 2006

Hello everyone!

Christof Dallermassl have a tool GPSylon that can help us (how have to 
use windows tools) to make tracks with a windows laptop. The program is 
made in JAVA so it's cross platform and it's LGPL...give it a try!
It can export tracks to GPX files (1.0 and 1.1).
I'm sure when the OSM API is done he will integrate the option to direct 
upload  the tracks to OSM  server, and why not download vector street 
maps from OSM also... Isn't it Christof Dallermassl?! :P

I ask you JAVA programmers  to help him  implement some things...i 
can't...i don't have that skills :(
Contact him, he is a nice person!


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