[OSM-talk] osmfilter, Calculating Speed, help appreciated

jammeh openstreetmap at jammeh.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 22:07:57 BST 2006

Joerg Ostertag (OSM Munich/Germany) wrote:
> On Thursday 07 September 2006 14:48, you wrote:
>>> Example Speed:
>>> If you have the speed driving along a road you can get a pretty good
>>> guess which highway= tag this part of the street would be appropriate to
>>> tag.
> If you can test this against your tracks would be great. osmfilter already has 
> a floating speed calculation (exactly because of the inacuracy) which 
> calculates the speed by always floating over 20 track points (last 10 and 
> next 10). So please test this and tell me if the speed is accurate enough for 
> it.

=== Read this bit here===
> If this works we/someone can go one step further and add a classificator which 
> takes the speed of a track segment and tags it according to the average 
> speed.

Now this is the stage where it starts to get really exciting (or at 
least I think so, but perhaps i'm just rather strange).

It seems reasonable to progress this so that route finding and 
determining applications can calculate or view data about the average 
speed along various routes. This would obviously be helped by checking 
that all the points were from an appropriate source (so another reason 
to tag all uploads with the mode of transport used to collect them).

Then the possibility of navigation routines deciding that route A is 
faster at 8am in the morning, but that during the daytime or the middle 
of the night route B would be better, becomes more real as well.

I'm sure this can and _will_ happen, but I appreciate just not yet ;)


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