[OSM-talk] open data

Etienne 80n80n at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 14:28:55 BST 2006

I might be wrong, but I think that the main reason originally for using SA
was to encourage consumers of the data to contribute their modifications and
enhancements back to OSM.  The idea was that this would provide that magical
exponential drive for the project.

If we don't get any consumers then there will be no modifications to hand
back, so we are cutting off our noses to spite our faces.

Its also very obvious now that contributors and consumers are really two
very different types of user.  Most contributors are wizzing around the
countryside on bicycles with GPS units and cameras - and they seem to find
this a very enjoyable activity in its own right.  most consumers of the data
are going to be small companies, associations, groups and individuals who
cannot afford commercial map license fees but have no time or interest in
making maps (there's a gap between contributor and consumer where some
people might be able to make some money).

Since collecting the data and making the base maps is so much fun there is
clearly no need to drive OSM by contributions back from consumers.  Its
doing very well without them.

There is also evidence that map publishers faced with a choice between using
OSM data under the current license and not producing a map at all, will
alway choose the latter option.

There does not appear to be a good case for continuing to use the SA

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