[OSM-talk] Front page design

interlug interlug at weait.net
Fri Sep 22 12:49:56 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 09:49 +0100, Andrew Findlay wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:26:51AM +0100, Tom Higgy wrote:
> > Could you check again in Konquerer? I've added an explicit height so
> > (hopefully) it'll fix the footer coming too high up.
> Please don't use absolute positions and sizes like this! It makes the
> pages very fragile. For example, see the attached image of what it looks
> like in my browser: I happen to use a larger text size than the default,
> and many people need it larger still due to poor eyesight.
> The earlier version at http://dyoh.com/osm-draft-index.html copes
> much better with different font sizes and different window sizes.
> The new version validates as correct XHTML, but it has CSS errors:
> 	http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fhiggy.bandnet.org%2Fopenstreetmap%2Fdraft-index2.html
> It does work well on a text-only browser (lynx) - well done!
> I would suggest making the images links to sensible places. They are
> placed under inviting headings, so they look as if they should be
> clickable.

I'll have another go at it Saturday morning (Euro time) and will try it
based on this css.


It claims pixel-perfection in all modern browsers, and is fixed-width
rather than liquid.  Perhaps the fixed-width version as a first front
page, then a liquid-version as the css-jockeys get to it?  

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