[OSM-talk] Osmabrowser v0.0.1 -- an interactive Osmarender browser

Nick Whitelegg nick at hogweed.org
Thu Sep 28 21:01:26 BST 2006

Announcing the first usable prototype of "osmabrowser", a web-based 
interactive osmarender browser at


It will allow you to generate an osmarender map of a particular location, 
defined by latitude/longitude or place name. The initial version is basically 
just proof-of-concept; it always displays 0.05x0.025 degree tiles and does 
not allow the user to specify size, for example. Nonetheless you can:

- go to a particular latitude/longitude
- go to a particular location (uses Mikel's brainoff geocoder)
- move west, south, east and north from the current location

For some reason which I need to investigate, the JavaScript zoom/pan features 
in osmarender 3.0 don't work just yet - probably due to the fact that the SVG 
is embedded within XHTML. Nonetheless they do work if you select "SVG only" 
which will generate a pure SVG file of the current location (rather than 
mixed XHTML/SVG)

Tested only in Firefox 1.5 on Linux.

Feedback and feature suggestions welcome (beyond the obvious that it's very 
basic at the moment and the UI needs improvement.....)


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