[OSM-talk] Australian emergency telephones

Alex S. maps at swavely.com
Wed Aug 1 23:58:37 BST 2007

Stefan Baebler wrote:
> Lachlan Rogers wrote:
>> A possible method for tagging these telephones would be
>> amenity=telephone
>> class=emergency
> and optionally a mentioned number
> ref=1451
> Although the number in the picture seems rather small, so you can't 
> really read it while speeding along to be a useful navigation aid. Or 
> can you?

You can easily read Mile Markers alongside freeways in the US while 
speeding along, and the numbers are about the same size (albeit white on 
green rather than black on white).  A web-scaled picture really doesn't 
do justice to it, imho.

By the by, we have the same things in the USA in certain places 
alongside freeways as well.  In my area, I've only noticed them on 
long-span bridge decks and in tunnels, but I think it's still useful to 

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