[OSM-talk] Few questions on highway=track

Alex Mauer hawke at hawkesnest.net
Tue Aug 7 15:45:53 BST 2007

Andy Allan wrote:
> Don't be so hasty with removing things without checking more
> thoroughly. It's use almost certainly predates the 'usual process' and
> whichever other way you believe 'solves [the] problem'.

If the Map Features page is meant to document every tag that's been in
use and every tag that is commonly in use, I think I have a serious
misunderstanding of its intent -- and there are a few dozen tags missing!

If it's meant to document every tag that mapnik renders, then I'm sure
there are many to be added and removed, and it should probably be
derived directly from mapnik's stylesheet.

If either is the case, the page's description of how to go about adding
stuff to it is really inaccurate.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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