[OSM-talk] Osmosis and .shp files

Kyle Gordon kyle at lodge.glasgownet.com
Tue Dec 25 23:26:37 GMT 2007

Evening all,

I have Osmosis running nicely with the united_kingdom2pts.txt file downloaded 
from http://maproom.dlt.psu.edu/

I recently took one of their Arc/INFO files and edited it to suit in qgis. I 
now have ARC.shp that reflects the area I want to feed into Osmosis. Can 
anyone recommend a way of converting that into the required polygon-bounding 
format for Osmosis? 

ogrinfo and gdalinfo both fail at reading united_kingdom2pts.txt, so I've not 
really tried further with ogr2ogr or gdal_translate. What would be the best 
tool for the job in this case?



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