[OSM-talk] On how to store geospatial data !?;

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Sun Jan 14 19:33:54 GMT 2007

Martin Spott wrote:

> No, I don't have numbers to compare with the OSM database. If you
> specify the load on the OSM database in a portable manner then I'd try
> to retrieve comparable numbers.

Just to provide a rough guess: Head for the MapServer at


and press the "New Orleans" button. I just made small, non-
representative test on my development server and took the time for
retrieval of the data.

I logged the SQL query that results from pressing this button and made
it fit into an SQL script. Then I stopped and restarted the database
engine in order to empty at least the PostgreSQL cache, ran the script
using the SQL command line monitor 'psql' and took the time using
/usr/bin/time on the shell.
The time for starting 'psql', connecting to the database via loopback
interface (without encryption), reading the (short) SQL script, running
the query on the database, returning the result to STDOUT into a file
and disconnecting from the DB is 0.08 seconds - on a 3.5 GHz AMD
Athlon64 running in a Xen virtual machine with 512 MByte RAM.

I'd say this is not that bad, expect this to scale decently on a fast

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