[OSM-talk] cadastre, ways, rendering

Marcus Bauer marcus.bauer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 15:57:39 GMT 2007

On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 16:26 +0100, Dirk-Lüder Kreie wrote:

> While it's correct that the signs may overlap it is very wrong to leave
> out the ref tag on one of the ways, because a routing application
> wouldn't know. 

The current scope of the project is to produce decent streetmaps from
scratch. Together with GPS and a mobile device they are already perfect
for navigation. Routing needs a data quality and density far beyond the
current state of the project. Stressing routing over mapping is imho
putting the cart before the horse.

> So for correct maps always tag every way of the motorway
> with all important information like highway, ref and name (if applicable).
> The resulting ugliness can and will be worked out in the renderer,

A hundred kilometers of motorway are fixed in minutes. I'll do so, once
the renderer works it out. As of now I like to show friends something
that looks good. That gets them much more interested and makes it a lot
easier to find new contributors.


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