[OSM-talk] potlatch and gps data with no time stamp

Nicola Ranaldo ranaldo at unina.it
Tue Jun 26 16:23:48 BST 2007

On Tuesday 26 June 2007 15:54:39 Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Nicola Ranaldo wrote:
> > I uploaded a gpx trace with no valid time stamp (unix epoch).
> > In potlatch this is not handled correctly (zigzag lines).
> > Can it be fixed?
> Potlatch uses the timestamps to order the points so it can draw lines
> between them. The OSM db doesn't have any other fields to store the
> order of the points.
> If you're "faking" timestamps, set them to
> - point 1: epoch
> - point 2: epoch+1
> - point 3: epoch+2
> - point 4: epoch+3
> - etc.

Hi Richard,
above all thanks for your reply and your work on potlatch.
I'll use this time schema in the future, but i have a doubt: if i upload 
several gpx of the same area both timed with "epoch +x", they may appear 
mixed? the same may happen if several users not faking time tracks upload 
traces taked in the same hours (imagine a mapping party) ?
If it is so the db should be modified and some field should be added (a serial 
big int?).
Howewer, returning to the original issue, in the mean time may you implement 
an option in potlatch to hide lines between points as done in other editors?

As a general question, and as it's not documented yet on the wiki, are the 
rest api to get trackpoints unchanged between 0.3 and 0.4? why potlatch 
use /api/4.0/swf/trackpoints instead of /api/4.0/trackpoints ?

best regards

	Nicola Ranaldo

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