[OSM-talk] live rendering

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Thu May 3 23:09:52 BST 2007

Frederik Ramm wrote:

> > As a side effect, the API will run a lot quicker because it will
> > be able to use the spatial columns to speed queries.
> Unless, of course, the database is bogged down by delivering data to  
> the rendering viewer.

I have certain experience serving TIGER roads from my database to the
MapServer renderer. Just remember, US TIGER roads contains approx. 35
million objects. In fact, delivering the road data from the DB to the
MapServer on the same machine typically costs me just a fraction of the
time that is required to render the image - even using multiple
renderers running in parallel on an SMP machine.

Certainly, the whole thing slows down the larger the bounding box gets,
but database time is always very small compared to the 'rest'.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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