[OSM-talk] Advice needed - dispute regarding names in Cyprus

David Janda dj at dotcomdave.com
Fri Nov 9 13:11:02 GMT 2007

> I always thought that "name" should be the name that is used by the people
living in the actual location...

So did I, after all, anyone using OSM in the area I am living in to navigate
will not see the Greek names signposted anywhere.

> Please use "name:el=Kazaphani", the :gr was my mistake.

Have done so.

> Welcome to the ugly world of politics. I still hope that the other guy
will be mature about this and realize that we are > building a map and don't
express our political views :-(

Agreed. But user_7363 is still overwriting the primary name with the Greek
one using Poltach. Is there a way to contact them?

> By the way, the Node
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/node/103661731/history , which is the
only place node I can find in that area, has > > only your changes. Does the
other guy delete your place nodes and create fresh ones?

On occasion, yes.

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