[OSM-talk] mkgmap questions

simon at mungewell.org simon at mungewell.org
Wed Aug 27 23:48:08 BST 2008

> What version of Osmosis are you using, because I added that feature
> (writing
> of the bound element) a while ago, so it should work if your input file
> has
> a bound element.

Hi Karl,
I am use 'osmosis-latest'/version 0.29 downloaded yesterday.

The problem may be that the source data files do not contain the bound
element itself, and therefore it might not be transfer to the output.

Source data is made with mkcntr2.pl (for contours) and OSM data requested
via XAPI with:
wget -O crowsnest.osm

Head of 'crowsnest.osm' is
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?>
<osm version='0.5' generator='osmxapi: OSM Extended API'
osmxapi:planetDate='200808262236' osmxapi:copyright='2008 OpenStreetMap
contributors' osmxapi:instance='zappy2'>
  <node id='26655039' lat='49.0000002' lon='-110.0000001' user='srw777'
osmxapi:users='srw777' timestamp='2007-03-20T22:11:53Z'>

I am using osmosis to merge the OSM source with contours (after sorting
both) with the command
java -jar osmosis.jar --read-xml temp1.osm --read-xml temp2.osm --merge \
        --bb completeWays=yes top=50 bottom=49 left=-115 right=-114 \
        --write-xml temp.osm

Head of 'temp.osm' is
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version="0.5" generator="Osmosis 0.29">
  <node id="27611078" timestamp="2007-04-25T03:42:36Z" user="NytOwl"
lat="50.0015304" lon="-114.917867"/>

Hopefully it's something simple going wrong.

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