[OSM-talk] unpaved residential

Lukasz Stelmach stlman at poczta.fm
Sun Feb 10 22:17:32 GMT 2008

Greetings All.

I've just mapped a little bit at the coutrysied where most roads are 
unpaved. I find current description at the Map_Features wiki page 
quite confusing.

1. why there is (i'll answer it in a moment) unsurfaced highway 
while in practice every highway can have surface=unpaved?
2. unsurfaced is rendered differently (this is the answer) than e.g. 
unpaved residential. why?
3. does tracktype apply to tracks only or any highway?

For examples look here:


"Ogrodowa" street was unsurfaced up until today when I learnt that 
it has a name. I decided to add its name and change its type to 
residential because if a street has a name then it means a little 
bit more and is governed by a local authority somehow better then 
unclassified roads.

I haven't seen mapnik output yet, just osmarender.
Było mi bardzo miło.               Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
 >Łukasz<                 Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

Sprawdz gdzie lezy snieg, czy dzialaja armatki
i jak przygotowane sa stoki >>> http://link.interia.pl/f1cfc

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