[OSM-talk] josm 'move sensitivity'

Tom Hughes tom at compton.nu
Fri Feb 22 09:39:31 GMT 2008

In message <b11426350802220120w6522a80au9fa1dadf10dd3e8e at mail.gmail.com>
        Francisco R. Santos <frsantos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I had to reconfigure it, changing the threshold from 15 to 5 pixels to
> make it work smooth (edit.initial-move-threshold=5). Look at this thread:
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/josm-dev/2008-January/000656.html

The current default is certainly unusable, at least for nodes, so
thanks for letting me know how to fix it.

I suspect the real answer is that you probably want quite a high
threshold for ways (it's very rare for me to really want to move
an entire way, so having to try hard is good) but a very low
threshold (if any at all) for nodes, which I often want to move
by quite small amounts and which I very rarely move accidentally.

In fact almost always when I do move something by accident it is
because I was trying to move a node but clicked slightly too far
away and hence moved the way instead.


Tom Hughes (tom at compton.nu)

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