[OSM-talk] Adding vmap0 road data to OSM

Will Harrison williamnmharr at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 17:48:15 GMT 2008

Hello All,

I'm involved with the FlightGear Flight Simulator (http://www.flightgear.org)
and I've volunteered to help the custom scenery project
by adding vmap0 road data to OSM. I originally tried to start this task on
my own, but I quickly realized that I probably won't be able to do this on
my own. Basically, I'm wondering if anyone is interested in helping.

Vmap0 contains road data for the entire world. The road data is available

The file that contain the road data are called "roads_freeway.tar.bz2" and
"roads_road.tar.bz2". Once extracted, the data can be loaded into an editor
like QGIS. Then it's possible to view the roads and add them to OSM.

This would benefit the custom scenery project, since once all the vmap0 road
data have been added to OSM the intent is to use OSM data for the scenery.
But I think this could also be very helpful to the OSM project, as vmap0
contains data for the entire world and it would give OSM at least rough
coverage of the entire globe. Is anyone interested in helping?

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