[OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

Lukasz Stelmach stlman at poczta.fm
Thu Jan 10 19:59:18 GMT 2008

Thomas Wood wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2008 6:34 PM, Lukasz Stelmach <stlman at poczta.fm> wrote:
>> What is more important to me, and this is question for all who know,
>> how to cope boundaries *between* two areas, like administrative
>> ones? How to cope with boundaries of different administrative
>> levels? If a line is a boundary between communes it is also a
>> boundry of respective provinces.
> Not necessarily - it could be at the moment, or it could not be. There
> are examples (in the UK at least) of overlaps.

Do you mean that a commune (the lowest level of self government) can 
be part of more than one unit of each of higher levels? Like this?

  \_:_::::  <-  C1
  P1    |     P2

I am talking here about administrative boundaries not some sort of 
customary ones.

I haven't written that earlier but what should I do if the boundary 
goes along some other way like railroad, river or highway? Should I 
draw another way right besides the road or tag one way as both the 
road and the boundary?

If the former then I think sooner or later we should develop 
separate layers for different features of the map. Editing could be 
much easier then.

Było mi bardzo miło.               Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
 >Łukasz<                 Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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