[OSM-talk] walking routes?

Andy Allan gravitystorm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 14:00:34 GMT 2008

On Jan 21, 2008 12:33 PM, Richard Fairhurst <richard at systemed.net> wrote:
> Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> > Talking of walking routes in a more general sense , i.e. not official long
> > distance paths but a favourite route/circuit e.g. the Old Dungeon
> > Ghyll-Pike o'Blisco-Crinkle Crags-Band-Old Dungeon Ghyll route in the Lake
> > District (excellent last day of last year's mapping party - a rare normal
> > summer day in the abnormal summer of 2007!) do people see a scope for
> > these to go into OSM itself, or best kept as a separate database which
> > Freemap currently does?
> TBH I would be fairly dubious about tagging any non-waymarked
> walks/cycle rides as routes, let alone ones of my own devising. This
> is "interpretation" which should be kept out of the largely factual OSM.

I mentally divide things into "objective" and "subjective", and stick
to the objective stuff for now. So if the walking routes are
signposted, that would be fine for me, but if they were just a route
that I knew, then I'd leave it off.

I don't know what our end-game is with subjective stuff (e.g. rating
pubs), maybe in the future it'll end up in OSM or a sister project.


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