[OSM-talk] pronunciation tag

Robert Vollmert rvollmert-lists at gmx.net
Tue Jun 24 10:29:53 BST 2008

On Jun 24, 2008, at 11:02, Robert Vollmert wrote:
> A possible alternative is the free-as-in-beer mbrola http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola/
> . It's a speech synthesis backend based on diphones (two halves of
> phones). Its input format appears to be SAMPA plus additional data.

http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds9-3/french.html is a nice  

But I really like the idea of local contributors recording the names.  
It seems to be feasible in terms of storage, even: At around 50kB a  
name, all names in Germany would take around 50GB at the moment.


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