[OSM-talk] Relation/Routes and Hikes in open Country

spaetz osm at sspaeth.de
Wed Jun 25 12:56:26 BST 2008

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:31:37PM +0100, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

> >I'd define it slightly differently - its do we want *subjective*
> >routes in OSM? I don't think anyone is arguing that notable
> >*objective* routes, like the Pennine Way in the UK or the Appalachian
> >Way in the US can certainly be included as a route.
> Sorry, what I meant by "walking route" was "I did this random route 
> somewhere in Hampshire last weekend, thought it was really nice and would 
> like to share it with other people".

I see why this could be on a different server, but personally, I wouldn't mind if this were tagged as

There is a slippery slope (pun intended) to where to stop though, in the extreme Andy's nice "shopping trail to the grocery" would count as valid too.


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