[OSM-talk] Limitations of renderers

David Earl david at frankieandshadow.com
Mon May 12 16:57:22 BST 2008

On 12/05/2008 16:30, Steve Chilton wrote:
> I have been following with interest the thread on tagging and rendering,
> and would like to make a slight jump to comment on the inherent
> limitations for rendering the results.

You're quite right of course, but equally there are other reasons to 
distinguish items even if they are actually rendered the same (I rather 
think some of the subtle variations of green could in fact all be one 
green in many cases). Also, there is a third dimension on electronic 
maps - turning elements and/or layers on and off - which we don't make a 
whole lot of use of at the moment on our renderers because we don't have 
the technology just yet.

There's also a difference between adding more detail (e.g. cliffs, which 
seems a natural to be on the map) and trying to distinguish subtly 
different variations on a theme (kinds of woodland, grass vs park vs 
nature reserve vs recreation ground vs village green etc).


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