[OSM-talk] YOURS is great! ...

Nic Roets nroets at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 18:47:31 GMT 2008

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Vikas Yadav <vikas at thevikas.com> wrote:

> I made my PAK on ubuntu. gosmore started but without any road lines. all it
> had was place names on left and text on the canvas. but no road lines or
> colours.

Please note that the gosmore package found under ubuntu universe is severely
out of date. The debian package is only slightly better. Fortunate building
gosmore requires only a very basic tool chain.

If you typed something in the search box, like "fuel", did the search
results update ?
If you click on any of those results, does the location string update ? It
something like "?lat=20.123&lon=40.432&zoom=15".
You say there are no roads. Do you see icons like traffic signals ?

> In windows, the zip gosmore never read the PAK file or ever rebuild it. so
> moved my ubuntu PAK but still kept saying "PAK not found, rebuild!"
The compiled Windows binary is only compatible with the gosmore.pak files on
the same site. Unfortunately those files are updated only every Friday and
includes only data up to Wednesday.
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