[OSM-talk] Pedestrians on cycleways

Philip Homburg pch-osm-talk at u-1.phicoh.com
Mon Oct 13 12:19:44 BST 2008

In your letter dated Mon, 13 Oct 2008 11:41:11 +0200 you wrote:
>Czech Republic:
>There are very few dedicated cycleways. Most other cycleways are either
>completely mixed with pedestrian ways (e. g. in Prague) or one half of
>the way is pedestrian and the other is cycleway (e. g. Pardubice).
>Well, it's a question, whether such ways should be tagged as
>highway=cycleway;foot=yes (as proposes wiki)
>change the default and use highway=cycleway
>Changing the default is ugly as invalidates existing tags.

I'd say that you tag according to the main use of the track. In .nl there is
quite a bit of difference between walking on a cyclepath or walking on a
footpath. The same thing goes for bikes that are allowed on footpaths compared
to cycling on cyclepath.

I would tag anything where pedestrians have more rights than they have on
normal roads as 'highway= footway'. If only as reminder to any cyclists that
they have to be more careful.

>default-access tables on the wiki is not a good idea, as it would
>complicate routing software, which has to assign country to each
>cycleway without foot tag.

I personally think it is best if routing software would do exactly that. But
that the moment, just documenting the situation in various countries is, in
my opinion, worthwhile.

Routing software can just implement the 'Default' table at the top of the

>In Czech Republic there are also so called "cycle traces"
>("cyklotrasy"). They are a standard (e. g. tertiary) roads dedicated to
>motorcars with no bike lane, but with "cycle way" traffic sign:

Sorry, I can't figure out what you mean with that.

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