[OSM-talk] Broken Coastline?

Tristan Scott trs998 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 15:46:38 BST 2008

I changed the direction of cockshoot broad (it was indeed spun
backwards) but couldn't fin anything wrong with the coastline -
possibly someone had already fixed it, possibly a bad tile
anyway, seems ok now.

Thanks, all!


2008/10/22 Rob Reid <rob at robreid.co.nz>:
> Tristan Scott wrote the following on 20/10/2008 04:27:
>> I've modded the coastline here:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.7145&lon=1.695&zoom=14&layers=0B00FTTT
>> And yet all I've done is move about 4 points in a bit, and add a
>> section of beach where I went for a walk. And now some of the new
>> tiles in osmarender seem to have gone blue... I can't see what I've
>> got wrong.
>> Can someone have a squint and see if there's something wrong? (I've
>> never edited a coastline before, so don't know how they work)
> Not sure if anyone else has made changes since your email but I just had
> a look and everything looked fine so I re-rendered the  problem tile and
> everything looks good again.
> The re-render covers zoom 12 -17, it may be a few days before lower
> zooms are updated.
> rcr
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Tristan Scott BSc(Hons)
Yare Valley Technical Services
07837 205829

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