[OSM-talk] Contraflow bus lane

Richard Fairhurst richard at systemeD.net
Thu Oct 23 09:00:40 BST 2008

Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

> I also have one in the centre of Sutton Coldfield. Think when I  
> mapped it
> (ages and ages ago) I made it two separate ways which obviously  
> isn't right.
> So interested to hear what people think.

+1. There's one in Worcester. Except it's labelled (in the car-flow  
direction) by "BUS & CYCLE" painted on the road, where cycle is the  
usual pictogram.

Consequently you could, and I almost have, cycle along there in the  
belief that it's a with-flow cycle lane... only to be flattened by an  
oncoming bus. Not funny (well, maybe a bit).


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