[OSM-talk] Calling all Yahoo! tracers. Manchester, UK needs you before Saturday!

John McKerrell john at mckerrell.net
Tue Oct 28 11:38:28 GMT 2008

On 28 Oct 2008, at 10:58, Tim Waters (chippy) wrote:

> Thanks to all Yahoo tracers! It really made a huge difference, gave
> people, families and children without GPS units a good easy task to
> fill in the names, and helped us using the GPS devices loaded with no
> named streets, to know where to capture the names.
> Many thanks!

This is good to hear, and links to something that I've been thinking  
of doing for the next Liverpool mapping party (whenever I get around  
to arranging that).

I've been thinking of having some sort of registration process for  
people who are coming, just something simple that takes the email  
address of people and their address/postcode/latitude&longitude  
entered on a map. We would then get people to do Yahoo! tracing of the  
areas that people are coming from and then send them through a PDF of  
the blank streets before the mapping party. The idea then would be  
that people could actually turn up to the mapping party having already  
done the mapping and we could then take them through how to enter the  
data into the database.

Any thoughts?


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