[OSM-talk] YOURS now supports route using only cycleroutes - Update

Shaun McDonald shaun at shaunmcdonald.me.uk
Thu Sep 11 12:36:33 BST 2008

Lambertus wrote:
> Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> This explains why I can't route from my house to work, where at each 
>> end there is no local cycle route, and there are several small bits 
>> in the middle where you cannot route over. This is either due to me 
>> not having bothered to split the way, or as you say, there is a break 
>> in the relation.
> I don't understand this. You want to use cycle route/network routing 
> for a work/home route where both work and home are nowhere near a 
> cycle route or network? This seems pretty obvious to me actually... 
> Please use the Mapnik or Cycle layer to route using all available 
> roads where cyclists are allowed....

About 7 out of the 9 mile trip is on lcn.

When I do my random day cycles, I ask the question, how can I get to 
.... about 50 to 100 miles away, mostly using cycle network. I'll 
happily go on trunk roads, but it is nicer to be able to go on the more 
cycle friendly roads.

>> It would be really cool if you could have an edit permalink so that 
>> you can edit the data on the openstreetmap web site.
> There is a button in the header that labels: 'Edit map'. If you click 
> that then Potlatch is opened with the current map view.

>> Would it be possible for you to have a different marker for the start 
>> and end?
> Yes, it is possible, but not implemented yet :-)
>> Finally I was initially expecting a routing system that would prefer 
>> cycle routes, however this makes an excellent data validation/testing 
>> tool.
> It already does prefer cycle routes, in fact is does *only* cycle 
> routes. But maybe that's your point.
Exactly, I was expecting that it would be able to bridge between the 
parts of the cycle networks. However that will not allow people to be 
able to fix the data easily, when there is an unexpected break in the 
> If you want the best of both worlds then I think Gosmore has to be 
> adapted to accommodate this or the OSM data for the routing database 
> should be manipulated in such a way that Gosmore gives a high penalty 
> to non-cycle route ways.
That sounds more like what I was expecting.


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